Twilight builds solutions for the aging population & their caregivers.

Introducing the Illuminator. The Illuminator aggregates complex health and medical information from Medicare’s member portal into an easy-to-understand format.

The Illuminator currently supports Medicare Part A, B & D, which, in plain English means doctor visits, medications, and hospital / facility visits.

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Twilight interface showing healthcare claims data in the form a line graph, and medications, providers, and chronic conditions lists.

Critical information at your fingertips, now.

Twilight interface showing the description for a claims event for a broken foot, along with related providers and medication information.

With the Illuminator you get instant access to:

Primary care doctors and specialists
Active medications & descriptions and medication history
Diagnoses, conditions, and a timeline of healthcare events

Empowerment for you or your loved one.

The Twilight CareGraph is a line graph outlining care activity level of a patient over a period of time. A hover on the graph shows a preview of claims data from a particular day.

The Illuminator empowers you with the healthcare information you need to easily:

Track and monitor the health journey of you or your loved one from afar
Share information with other family members
Provide healthcare providers accurate information - especially in acute or emergency situations
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